Life Drawing with Live Model
Instructor: Asja Jung
Beginner to Advanced

Medium: Pencil Drawing

Guild artist, Asja Jung, teaches this figure drawing class utilizing a live model. Each class is designed to help students understand the basic principles involved in drawing the human figure. The training is based on learning how to “see clearly”. Asja explains, “We draw first with our eyes; the movement of the hand on paper is a second step. That means we learn how to draw by expecting progress, not immediate results.”

Students will study each other’s work to develop an appreciation for the wide variety of individual styles. Asja will show artwork examples, both contemporary and historic, to illustrate the endless possibilities offered by drawing. Discussions will include the importance of making discerning judgments of artwork, how we occasionally try to reproduce what we were taught was “good art”, and how we might reject other work because they are not falling into known categories. Students will learn how to look clearly at the model as well as broaden their ability to evaluate their own work, all in an atmosphere of FUN!!!

Artist’s Bio
Asja Jung is a native German artist. She studied at Art Academies in Germany (Kiel and Düsseldorf) and in Zürich. In 2004 she moved to New York City, where her work was shown in art galleries in Chelsea, including a solo show at the Black & White Gallery. In 2015, Asja moved to Keyport, New Jersey, where she managed Artspace88 with MaryAnn McKay. She continues to display her work in art shows throughout Monmouth County.

Location: Guild Studio
Lessons: 5
For beginners to advanced participants
Cost: $150 Guild members / $180 non-members
Students must be age 18 or older
Cost includes the fee for the model
Materials: Students are responsible for their own pencils and paper, and a flat surface on which to draw.
Time: Wednesday evenings, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
For info and start date, call Asja at 718.728.1932 or email