Eligibility: Open to all artists, original work only: no copies, crafts, giclée copies of paintings, or class/workshop pieces. The Guild will be accepting works in the following 3 categories: painting (including mixed media, collages, computer generated artwork, print making), sculpture (including wood, glass, ceramic) photography (original work of the submitting artist. For composite images, no elements to be produced by others).
Collaborative Entry: Entries created in collaboration with another artist are acceptable. However, the entry will be considered as one entry for EACH artist and will count towards the total allowable entries per artist. Additionally, in the event the collaborative entry is accepted and receives an award, only one medal will be presented. The entry will be displayed with both artists’ names.
Multi-part Entry: An artist may submit a multi-part entry, such as a diptych or triptych, as in telling a story, or related subject matter. In this case, the group will count as a single entry, will be displayed together with one title tag, will have one sale price for the complete group, and cannot be separated for sale. The group together must not exceed 48″ on any side, including the frames. The JPG submitted must be a photo of the group together.
Artwork previously shown at the Guild will not be accepted.
The committee has the right to reject objectionable and non-conforming images.
Entry Procedure: All entries must be submitted on line as digital jpg image files. The judges will review the digital jpg images to select those suitable for conditional acceptance to exhibit in the show. The final award judging will be based on the actual artwork on display in the exhibit. Up to 3 works may be submitted. Based on the judges’ decision and subject to exhibit space availability, all of your entries may be accepted.
Each entry uploaded must be in the JPG format with no less than 2000 pixels on the longest side.
Your JPG files must be named as follows:
Category (painting, photography, or sculpture)_your last name_your first name__title of artwork.
For example: painting_Davis_John_The Tree on the Hill.jpg
Note the placement of the underscores. Do not include underscores in the title of the JPG nor in the Title section of the entry form.
If you’re not sure how to size and name your JPG you are urged to have someone help you.
JPG creation & registration assistance is available. Click HERE for details.
Fee: Members- $15 for one entry; $25 for two entries; $35 for three entries.
Non-members- $35 for one entry; $45 for two entries; $55 for three entries.
(If during registration for the October Juried Show, a non-member elects to become a member, the membership will be good for the October Juried Show and extend through the following year.)
Entry fee is non-refundable.
Acceptance: Initial judging will be based on the JPG images submitted. By September 16 a list of artists and artwork conditionally accepted into the exhibit by the judge will be posted on the Guild’s website at An email will be sent to registrants when the list has been posted. Final acceptance is contingent on the JPG you submitted being an accurate representation of the work you deliver, have excellent quality, and meet all of the requirements described in this Prospectus.
Delivery of Conditionally Accepted Artwork: All work must be hand delivered to the Guild on Wednesday, October 2, between noon and 7 pm. No work may be delivered before or after that date and times. Works must not exceed 48″ on any side, including the frame (and including multi-panel works). Works must be suitably framed, wired and ready for hanging. No alligator clips or table top frames allowed. Framed pieces over 36″ in any direction (including the frame outer dimensions) normally displayed under glass must have Plexiglas instead of glass. Wraparound canvas must be painted/printed on all sides, without staples. Work intended to be hung on the walls shall not exceed a maximum weight of 25 pounds. Non-conforming work will be rejected at the discretion of the receiving committee. All artwork must be for sale and remain until the show ends. The Guild receives a 33 1/3 % commission on all sales.
Insurance: Please note: The Guild of Creative Art specifically disclaims any liability for the loss, damage, or theft of any artwork exhibited or stored on its premises. Artists are responsible for insuring their own work from delivery to pick-up and return to artist.
Judges: James Yarosh – artist, interior designer, curator and owner of JY Associates Fine Art Gallery; click HERE for his bio, and Mark Ludak – Specialist Professor of Photography at Monmouth University; click HERE for his bio.
$200 – Best in Painting
$200 – Best in Photography
$200 – Best in Sculpture
$100 – Mitchell Award for Acrylic
$100 – Friedlander Award for Abstract
$100 – Bitsy Photography Award for Macro
$100 – Cavaino Memorial Award for Mixed Media
$100 – Cavaino Memorial Award for Watercolor
$100 – David MacNeill Memorial Award for Wit and Whimsy
$100 – Barbara Shieldkret Memorial Award for Oil
$100 – Fred N. Biello Memorial Award for Abstract Painting
$100 – Sara Stern Memorial Award for Artistic Innovation
$100 – Pastelist Salon of New Jersey Award in memory of Marge Levine
Medal – Bronze Achievement Awards
Additional awards may be announced. All award winners will receive medals. The judges will make awards based on the actual artwork submitted, not on the JPG.
Artist’s Release: Artist agrees that accepted works may be used for publicity.
End of Show Pick-Up: Thursday, October 31, noon – 7 pm ONLY. Note: There will be a $2.00 per day charge for late pick-up. Works remaining 30 days in storage will be donated to charity. No exceptions.